In Cyprus you can easily find furnished or unfurnished flats. Usually, the contract period is for one year, but in some cases shorter term contracts can be negotiated. The best way to look for accommodation before you arrive in Cyprus is through the web sites of a number of Estate Agents operating in Cyprus.
Deposits of up to one month's rent are normally required (sometimes maybe two months are required). Renting in Cyprus is not cheap. In many cases people share apartments in order to split the costs for renting. Be also aware that electricity, water and telephony costs are not included in the rental price. On average, the prices for renting an apartment in Cyprus start from €7 to €15 per m².
The Cyprus Association of Estate Agent Entrepreneurs (tel.: +357-22889759, email:mesitwn@cytanet.com.cy) and the Estate Agent Registration Council (tel.: +357-22889759) may be contacted for information on Estate agents in Cyprus.
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