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Republic of Cyprus
Employers from other Member States

Employers from Europe wishing to advertise their vacancies in Cyprus throught EURES Cyprus can do that by sending their vacancies directly to
These vacancies should be well described containing all relevant information for the Job Seeker and the Employer. The Terms & Conditions of employment should also be mentioned, especially the salary (net or gross). PES rules forbids advertising vacancies without salary or without showing the name of the Employer.

Priority will be given to vacancies that are being forwarded to EURES Cyprus by a EURES Adviser in the Member State of the Employer. Information about the employer and the company will be asked to be provided by the EURES Network in the country of residence of the Employer.

EURES Cyprus is accepting vacancies coming from a Private Employment Agency representing an Employer only if the Agency has provided proof of being a licenced establishment. The name of the Final Employer must be visible on the Vacancy as well.

The Checked Vacancy will be uploaded on the EURES Cyprus Website, the EURES Cyprus facebook account and posted on the Notice Boards of all PES Offices in Cyprus. EURES Advisers and PES officers in all PES offices will be notified about the vacancy.

A vacancy form used by EURES Cyprus and PES Cyprus can be downloaded below. A more thorough description of the vacancy can be sent separately if needed.

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The webpage is co-financed by the European Social Fund and the Republic of Cyprus
Copyright © Republic of Cyprus 2024,
Ministry of Labour, Welfare and Social InsuranceEURES Cyprus

Design and Development: Department of Information Technology Services